190,000 m²
Beijing Aozhong Jiye Real Estate
Development Co. Ltd.
Landmark Architects, Beijing
Entainment Design Inc, Los Angeles
The four-block site on the western edge of the CBD is designed as an urban street, in contrast to the conventional introverted ‘boxes’ found elsewhere in the city. Retail areas are porous and highly accessible from the street, and the design of the ground architecture and interior spaces further dissolves distinctions between interior and exterior. Outdoor stairs, escalators, exterior promenades, and an event amphitheatre are used to enhance access to upper retail levels, and the architecture blends traditional brickwork with more contemporary glass and stucco pavilions that recall the rich palette of traditional Chinese architecture.
The office and hotel towers are designed as a series of gracious curves that provide an inviting entry from the CBD and city park to the east, and their facades are distinguished by spiraling and asymmetric recesses that become playful bands of color at night.